Does Penis Size Matter?

It’s been said that to a good woman size wouldn’t matter.  It wouldn’t matter how big (or small) your penis is, if she loved you for you. Whoever said this has obviously never suffered from a small penis.


Still, it hurts your self-esteem. It makes you less confident – and for good reason!  But you no longer have to worry about your penis size. You have options to increase its size.  The average penis size is five to six inches long.

But for many men, it’s just not enough – or maybe they’re shorter than average, which can cause poor self image and greater humiliation. There’s a reason male enhancement products are so popular and why men continue to search for an answer to how to get a bigger penis.

Your penis size should not be a large enough issue that you risk your health or your sexual function. Whatever techniques or male enhancement products you use, you have to be careful that they won’t damage the nerves or cause other permanent damage to your sexual organs.

Some poorly made male enlargement and male enhancement products will cause side effects that irritate the penis, resulting in swelling that the buyer believes is penile growth. Know the difference and only use products that have been tried and tested will not cause irreparable harm.

Some women claim they don’t actually care about penis size. For them, it’s more about how the man uses whatever he has. But from the male’s perspective, penis size can detract from a sexual experience if he is so small that he can’t remain inside the vagina for any length of time.

When it comes to knowing your size, measure it in different states of erection and at many different times. Measure from the base of the penis to the tip. That’s the length only. Measure the girth in three different places while you’re erect – below the glans penis, at the base, and midway up the penis shaft.

Over time, size has come to matter more. Ancient Greeks generally regarded a small penis with more desirability. Larger penises were seen as comical and gross. Nowadays, that view has changed as more men desire a larger fuller penis because they feel it directly relates to their virility as men.

In a 2005 study, 55% of men said they were not satisfied with their penis size. But on the other hand, 85% of their partners were very happy with the size of their penises. Men actually mistake the length of their penis, thinking they’re smaller than they actually are because they’re looking down and gaining an inaccurate view.

The ideal size means different things to different people. Luckily, there are a few penis enlargement products on the market today that are proven to work so you won’t have to wait and worry anymore – you can do something about it if you’re not satisfied!

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